Some New Years Motivation...

(success is outward + inward)

As we head into a new year, motivation is high. Everything is possible and there’s fresh energy all around. Good stuff!

As for me, I plan on becoming a full-time artist and traveling a lot more. Creative projects abound.

(reply back and let me know what you’re up to this coming year!)

But at the end of the year, we tend to think about what we will do. This puts a subconscious focus on everything we did not yet do or accomplish (last year or in general).

And this is not a great place to create (or live) from.

It’s dissatisfaction with what we haven’t yet accomplished. It’s a subconscious focus on the negative — on lack — which is a needy energy. So instead, I’m starting the new year with epic, deep-felt, appreciation for everything I’ve done so far.

How, you ask?

First, by not attaching my growth, success or value to ANY external results. Second, by deeply (emotionally) being stoked on what I have accomplished internally.

Because externally (on paper), it looks like — it feels like — I’ve done nothing. Like dude, I’m failing a lot! lol

I’m barely scraping by (money-wise), I have no crazy networking or collaboration opportunities and I haven’t grown my socials, like, at all. Also, my blog traffic has gone from around 25K per month (and growing) to like 5K visits per month (and sinking).

LOL, my one “guaranteed”, “simple” nest egg (blogging) has gone kaput. I’m heading into the new year penniless and empty handed, despite years of effort.

(ahh, thank you Google for all the updates in 2024 and getting rid of that spam by personal bloggers like me…🫠)

I’ve also lost like half my clients and it sort of feels like I’m back at the starting line.

But none of that matters (well, the blog thing still stings a bit). Because sometimes, things need to fall away to make space for building something new — something better.

I was a bit bitter for a minute (some victim mindset, etc.). But now, I’m focused on other areas of growth.

Because I’m not empty handed or poor (not really).

Externally, it looks like I’ve fallen behind — like I’m moving backwards. I have less money than when I started and I’ve invested thousands of hours of creative energy (and multiple years) into this thing that has no “external” signs of success.

But, I have grown. I’ve succeeded internally on tons of things and in areas that no one can see. But they can be felt (by me).

I’ve overcome, developed or made massive strides with:

  • Patience

  • Meditation

  • Self awareness

  • Drawing/painting

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Singing and music production

  • Clarity (like, what am I doing and what do I want?)

  • Hard skills like SEO, writing, marketing tactics, AI tools, software and more

So here’s the thing, inner growth and improvement IS important — arguably, it’s MORE important.

There are things I’ve dealt with that have made me feel indestructible — like I can handle pretty much anything going forward. A lot of these struggles I DID NOT want or plan for. They created massive friction.

But I guess “they” were right — the bigger the struggle, the bigger the lessons and the stronger you become.

I NEVER appreciated these darker moments though (not until now, as I write this letter). Because on the outside, it looked like I was just failing and falling behind…serious FOMO and feeling like an idiot watching everyone else succeed except me.

But on the inside, I was going to the gym and gaining skills and insights I could never learn except on my own, by going through painful experiences. Like Robert Frost said, “The only way out is through.

And so, I invite you to join me in celebrating all of your internal struggles, doubts and “failures”.

Because results are both internal and external.

While, making money is a result, so is showing up and overcoming laziness.

And yes, Instagram followers or email subscribers are both exciting results. But so is overcoming limiting beliefs and learning to authentically love yourself.

Results are both outward and inward.

Once you accept this, you can feel proud of your achievements and your growth (and your setbacks and struggles).

And this is the energy I’m heading into the new year with. This is the energy of fucking magic.

The internal stuff that you’ve been working on is WAY MORE impressive than anything external.

Because there are plenty of sad millionaires and even more unhappy people with six packs. But if you’re making strides internally, you’re becoming unstoppable (and setting yourself up nicely for all that external stuff).

I’d rather be externally poor if it means I’m internally rich.

Last year — the last couple of years — I’ve become internally wealthy. I never even realized it, until now.

I think this is what appreciating the journey actually means.

And appreciating that journey and growth (even if you’re still working on that shit) is needed. So for now, rest like you’re getting paid for it. But be stoked on what you’ve done so far, even if you have no outward results or success.

Enter the new year with that mindset and never lose it.

Later ✌️

(oh and happy holidays/happy new year!!)


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