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  • This is how to have a comfortable life...

This is how to have a comfortable life...

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The greatest comforts in life come after the greatest periods of discomfort.

So to have a more comfortable life, do more uncomfortable things. It’s counterintuitive, but it works.

Here’s why.

Think about a time you went through something challenging or uncomfortable. It probably sucked. But on the other side of that was intense relief, right?

For example, travel — while fun — is also difficult.

Spending 20+ hours on planes and in airports (sweaty and a bit stinky) while carrying around heavy luggage and trying to communicate in another language…just to find a shitty AirBnB.

This is discomfort.

But afterwards, there’s catharsis. Afterwards, a cheap room with a cheap meal watching a cheap show feels like heaven. But you can never fully appreciate this without the discomfort that led up to it.

This is the yin and yang of everything. Without the lows, you have no highs.

To live the most comfortable life you can imagine, you must do more uncomfortable things.

As a secondary benefit, the more discomfort you practice, the more confidence you have and the more opportunities you unlock. This leads to various economic and networking perks — further strengthening a comfortable life.

Comfort without discomfort is just…dis

So go do weird, awkward, hard shit! See you out there :]

Later ✌️

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Is Blogging Dead In 2024? Nah, So Here’s What I’m Doing

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This is what I’m doing.

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