Be like bamboo...

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I love a solid quote. They can turn an old cliche into sounding like something new.

So here’s one of my favorites, which combines two things I love (Japan and carefreeness).

Quote: "the bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists"

During my recent stint in Japan, the town I stayed in was surrounded by bamboo trees.

They consistently clapped outside my windows and followed me all the way to the train station, everyday. They were always right there, rain or snow, saying hello and reminding me that 1.) I was definitely in Japan, and 2.) to stay “bendy” out there.

So what does this Japanese proverb mean exactly?

It means that being flexible and adaptable makes you stronger and more resilient than being stubborn and immovable.

It helps me care less, go with the flow more often and stay carefree.

And if you check, bamboo is actually stronger than oak and many other hardwoods (is has a higher “tensile strength”). So it’s not just a quote that sounds nice — it’s valid.

Being more like bamboo makes you stronger and more chill in life.

The view from my bamboo apartment outside of Tokyo…

What Being Flexible Means (examples)

  • Ability to pivot when sh*t goes awry

  • Being cool with setbacks, mistakes and failures

  • Having appreciation and gratitude for what you’ve got

  • Staying curious and open-minded to try new things

  • Seeing multiple paths forward in life

How to Be Like Bamboo (tips)

  • Have backup plans — don’t put all “the eggs” in one bucket

  • Travel more — it flips routine and expectation on its head

  • Be more like a scientist — you’re a life researcher (stay curious)

  • Take baby steps — become flexible over time, not overnight

  • Find more “bamboo friends” — via Meetups, socials, travel…

  • Take my “bonus mindset” — everything from this point forward in your life is just a bonus; you already have everything you need

(lots of new travel articles this past week!)

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