🤙 prettychill tip of the week

have *slow expectations (+ newsletter update)


Let’s talk about expectations — specifically, *slow expectations.

Slow expectations (as I’ve dubbed them) are expectations that live between having too many and having none at all.

I like this approach.

Because having zero expectations is a bit too aloof (and I like to dream big). But too many leads to stress or disappointment.

So, balance is needed. Enter, “slow expectations”.

Slow expectations make your goals more chill, sustainable and patient. You can read my full post on the topic (linked below), but these are some of main ways I keep my expectations slow:

  • Be realistic(ish) — don’t be too realistic

  • Break things down into small, patient steps

  • Explore why you have expectations and disappointment when they’re not met

  • Stop caring so much — just have fun, it’s an adventure


As you may know, this publication is new. So I’ve been testing different topics and designs the past few weeks, trying to find its voice and purpose.

But one thing is clear: the theme of carefreeness is staying.

So, I’ve changed the name from CreativeAnarchy —> prettychill

And don’t worry if you signed up for the creativity angle — the content will still be hyper relevant for creatives and the creative lifestyle (because by caring less, we create better).

But the themes will always circle back to carefreeness (which was the whole idea behind CreativeAnarchy anyways).

Okay, that is all — thank you!

* = new post


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